Health and Social Care
Consultancy and Training

© 2012 Yellit  1  Training    v1.6

Yellit 1 Training
Course Delivery.



Certificate in Psychodynamic Counselling Skills.

OCN Training in Safeguarding Adults accreditation.

NCFE accreditation Occupational Health and Safety

NCFE accreditation Safe Handling of medicines

NCFE accreditation Dementia Awareness

PTLLS 2009

Registered Social Worker with the General Social Care Council (GSCS) since 2004

BASW (British Association of Social Workers) member since 2001

Affiliated member of The Institute for learning (IFL) 2008

Registered as a Dignity Champion since 2009


I am an independent Health and Social Care trainer and consultant and

have been delivering training to all staff groups and service user

groups in a variety of setings for over ten years.


Whilst I now predominantly work as a trainer my roots are in social

work and social care. I am a registered social worker with the GSCC and

continue to combine my training alongside that as a Senior

Practitioner. I currently work one day a week as a social work

consultant within a housing association who provide social support,

housing, employment and advocacy to a variety of service users.


In the past I worked in residential services as a homes manager and I

have a substantial background in social support and living options for

service users with a variety of needs.


With nearly 30 years experience I am able to provide a comprehensive

training service to meet your particular needs.As well as delivering

one-off courses for staff and for service users I have also delivered

bespoke and mandatory block training programmes for social services and

health care staff at all levels.


All the training I deliver is designed essentially to meet CQC

regulatory requirements for outcomes and competencies.

